One might be advised to take the following review with a pinch of salt. I am ill and grumpy and should never have ventured out on this cold, wet miserable day to get hold of my belated issue. Belated, not because of any neglect on my part to pick it up sooner but because Smiths clean forgot to put it on the shelves. I think I might have got a poor sales assistant busted as a result.
My glee turned to gloom when I flicked though the first section, before I got to the checkout. The ‘Party’ section. Really? Not my kind of party. What no LBD? No slinky numbers, save the Bacofoil one. Maybe overload of purple has left me unable to think outside of the box. mmmm…. what do you think?
There were a couple in this section that left me a little more hopeful. Gosh I am being so negative, soz! Strange though because I don’t really do strides or leggings but quite fancy a pair of leather ones, Given my determination to grow old disgracefully! Still not very partyish though.
But hang on. Here we go. This is far more up my street. A section entitled the Aenne Burda Collection. Five reinterpreted dresses and a coat from the 50’s and 60’s. And I love each and every one of them! Though I really want the button band on the pink dress to be narrower. I don’t need my midriff highlighted quite so much!
Loungewear, leisurewear, sporty home knits, whatever… not really a fan of such garments. Even though I could be accused of hypochrisy as I sit here, sniffling in my sloppy pjs and age-old baggy T!
But never say never. These patterns do come in handy from time to time and they whip up quick so long as you don’t have an aversion to stretchy jersey fabrics. I’ve made a few peasant tops but I think one in a lovely drapey viscose jersey with long sleeves might be a more glamourous casual addition.
So was the glamour saved for the Plus Section as per usual? Nope! I like the green dress and the waterfall fronts of the jackets. In fact I quite like the layering and the colour palette but I might give the huggy bear waistcoat a miss!
And just in case you need a fancy dress costume…. there is certainly a mixed bag going on here!
Looks like a lot of work to pull of a Hungry Caterpillar costume but wouldn’t that be a hoot?! I always gloss over patterns like these but on closer inspection there is always a bodice or a sleeve pattern that could be borrowed. Not forgetting random dressing up days at school!
There are lots of lovely little crafty projects in this issue too, like detatchable collars, a bead-embroidered neck band, bejewelled bangles and shoes plus these adorable teddies made from recycled jumpers and blankets. No actual pattern for these but the instructions and inspiration is all that is necessary.
Well in case I don’t touch base before the new year, here’s wishing you all a fabulous 2013. Thank you for faithfully sticking with me and for all your wonderful comments. It is already so difficult to remember life pre-ooobop! I’m hoping to get more stealthlike in my attempt at stealing sewing time in the new year and so be much more productive. But what good would that be without having you lovely lot to share it with.
Truly Grateful.
Much Love
Janene x
Yeah! Another Ooobop Burda Review! The party section leaves me cold too….bacofoil indeed! Nothing jumps out for me but I know from experience that I see something different every time I open a Burda ….looking forward to my own copy arriving soon!
lol… I can imagine the looks if me and Mr Ooobop turned up to the party looking like that couple in the first pic! Hope your copy comes soon.
Your thoughts echoed mine, including the tin foil. At least make the garments fit the models. I liked the Peter Pan dress but have you noticed is is just in a petite size? Annoying for me (but great for petites I guess).
ha… I did notice that. But perhaps she needed some ventilation in that ‘roasting bag’!
YAY! Thanks for the review…always love seeing them! Not a terribly inspirational issue, although there are some goodies in there. I like the retro section. The ‘party’ outfits are not terribly party, though. Although I do like the top on the girl that likes ‘classic looks with a special touch’ 😛
Sometimes I think it must be hard putting out that many patterns every month, so I guess it’s expected to have some flops. Unfortunately, the plus section seems to contain most of them. My fav plus sized section was in 5/2012 (The La Siciliana spread), but that was one of my fav issues. Keep em coming 🙂
It would be great to see the ‘machine’ behind the production of this mag. They must have a pretty big team working flat out every month. Oh yes, that Siciliana section was divine!
Oh, those little refashioned bunnies make me happy! The green cardigan in the plus section is nice, too. Thanks for the review! It’s always so fun to see.
Happy New Year to you, too!
I did think of you when I saw those bunnies, Beth 😉
Happy New Year – it’s been a pleasure to follow your blog this year! Not sure if your comments on the January Burda can be attributed to sickness – it does look slim pickings…
Thank you Gabrielle. And a happy new year to you too. 🙂
What a great review! I wish we could buy Burdadtyle magazine here in California . I think they have the best DIY accessory tutorials.
Thank you Justine. Perhaps you could try having a word with your local newsagent to see if they could stock it. They do indeed have some great DIY accessory tutes. I rarely go into detail about them because it all takes so long to put together and I’m always on borrowed time but I should pull my finger out really!
I hope they keep up the vintage patterns. That was much the best bit of this issue.
Happy New Year!
Indeed they are! Happy New Year Catherine 🙂
Happy New Year to you – hope you feel better soon. x
Thank you so much Lynn. Still feel pretty rough but I just have to let it take its course. Wishing for a happy and healthy New Year all round.
I like the little bunnies. I hope you feel better and have a very Happy New Year!
Cute, aren’t they?! Thank you Jayne. Very slowly on the mend. Happy New Year to you too 🙂
I love the vintage the best- altho I’m drawn to the cover dress, even knowing that a band at that level would do most unpleasant things to my shape!
Indeed…. that band!!! I think it would do most unpleasant things to anyones shape!
Hope you are on the mend.
Best-est thoughts for the coming 2013…!
Thank you Jots. Getting there, I think! Happy New Year to you 🙂
I’m with you on the purple. It isn’t the greatest color for a lot of people. My daughter usually likes the party section, but this year, she winced and said. “Um. NO!” But the casual knits, crafts and costumes have both our approvals (especially the corseted costumes for her). I’ve already looked at my stash with an eye toward that longer waterfall jacket in the plus-size section–a burned out floral cotton is asking to be used.
As usual, I wait for your review before deciding to buy the month’s issue since I have to buy online, so thank you for the time you take to post for us.
Feel better and Happy New Year to you and your family!
Thank you Elizabeth. I think those corseted costumes have real potential. A very Happy and healthy new year to you and yours too x
Awww hope you’re feeling better by now! 🙂 Some of those loungey clothes look pretty nice; idk, maybe cause that’s all I wear these days lol ^_^ The ‘party’ clothes are ok; just not very “party-ish” lol.