I was just searching for a date on this pattern so I could update my vintage pattern collection page with this little beauty…
…when out popped this little cutting which tickled me, I must say:

If you do try this at home, remember “It is best to adjust it while lying down.”
In the latter months?!! I can just imagine trying to get up off the bed, like some ungainly upside-down tortoise.
And there’s me thinking the 1940s was all about glamour, inside and out! Doh! It’s a wonder all 1940s babies weren’t born squished like Flat Stanley!
Incidentally, I didn’t find an actual date. I’m assuming (once again) that this pattern dates 1940ish but any more accurate hunches are appreciated.
I can’t imagine having to wear it! I love “2 pairs of suspenders” that made me laugh out loud! Honey, have you seen my suspenders anywhere?
lol… I think its hysterical!
She must have looked like a football in that?!
Wonders will never cease!
Oh my God! That is the best! I can imagine wearing that while pregnant with my twins, fabulous!
I guess in that case, with twins, you might be grateful for all the help you could get!
I had a support belt when I was pregnant and I guess this is similar!
I’m guessing it was a little more practical! 😉
Trussed up like an I don’t know what! The parallel with nappies is kind of irresistible too – towelling and safety pins. erk 🙂
Surely it could have been fashioned out of something a little more glamourous?!
I thought they hid pregnant ladies during the 40’s. So un lady like to show the world that you had sex and all.
Indeed. Funny how things change. Its all about flaunting it now!
HA! The later months, eh? I couldn’t get into that NOW!! I’m glad things have changed 🙂
Me too!
Wow! Crazy! (Although I guess if you did it right, it might offer a bit of support for a large bump? Looks pretty uncomfortable though, and imagine wearing something like that in summer – having a towel wrapped around you under your clothes!
Yes, Not a good look or a good feel, I shouldn’t imagine!
Love the pattern!!! Love the maternity belt even more. Being nearly 9 months pregnant right now, your comment about not being able to get off the bed nearly made me spit my tea out on my screen!!! LOL!!!
Ha ha… That’s exactly how I felt at that stage! Congratulations on the nearly arrived! How exciting!! Happy New Year 🙂
It looks like an instrument of torture or for hiding your pregnancy under the wedding dress!
Ah yes. One would never have gotten away with a bump under a wedding dress in those days!
I was born in 1945 but don’t know if my mother wore this contraption. However, I think I managed to come through it okay…least I certainly hope so. Hmmmm….
Pancake babies!! lol ^__^