Anyone else bumbling through the school holidays? I’m quite exhausted to be honest. Don’t get me wrong. It’s lovely to see more of the children but trying to work full time and juggle child-share has had me a bit frayed around the edges this year. No holiday plans has meant no proper stretch of time off and though I’m quite used to that, I’m really not used to being so knacked that I don’t have head space to sew or even think about what I want to sew. Robbed of inspiration, I was. Until this weekend that is!
I’d almost clean forgotten that Roisin had planted a seed to go to the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibition at the Barbican on Saturday. So following a Tweeted nudge, I booked that there ticket along with a voucher for a cocktail. Well, it would have been rude not to!
The day began with an assembly and fashion parade of beautiful sewists at Goldhawk Road, of course. Emmie, Roisin, Amy, Marie, Katie, Jen and a lovely chance, fancy-seeing-you-here type meeting with Alana too! I usually arrive with a handbag and a relative amount of restraint when it comes to shopping in the Goldhawk Road. I live so near and my stash is so ridiculous that I can only justify purchases for immediate plans. And I actually have some of those, now, funnily enough.
Last week, Anne from Mercury Handmade so very sweetly sent me the August issue of Burda Style magazine which I tried so hard to get hold of and failed miserably. WHSmiths could offer no reason why they just weren’t delivered and then just when I’d given up Anne Tweeted that she had a spare and would I like one? What an absolute Angel! of course I would! And If that wasn’t enough she’d enclosed two gorgeous vintage patterns for me as a surprise. She is such a kind and generous lady and spookily knows exactly what I love.
So I bought some fabric. I’m thinking the red leopard print and or the lighthouses for the wrap blouse. I’ll need something more drapey for the tie blouse. Oh, and I bought some shoe fabric, just because!!
The next three hours sped by and then we were en route to the Barbican for some divine inspiration!
We were greeted at the entrance by some iconic breton stripes and some freaky blinking mannequins! The live expressions were projected onto the faces of the otherwise static dummies. Quite distracting at first as we were more focussed on the faces than the garments. You get the idea from the pic below:
But not for long. The outrageousness of the designs increased and the freaky faces paled into insignificance!
I shamefully realised how little I knew about this incredible man.
He was self-taught and got his foot in the fashion door by sending some of his sketches to Pierre Cardin. (Best I invest in a new Fashionary book!!) This exhibition starred 165 of his amazing garments spanning 40 years of his work
His very own first collection was released in 1976 and soon earned him the title ‘enfant terrible’ of French fashion. Street fashion was dominant throughout but the couture pieces were nonetheless exquisite and edgy at the same time.
I still have no idea why the man-skirt never took off. Teamed with some serious boots and those iconic stripes of course. Such a great look and one I’d be happy to wear today too!
Of course there was a fine selection of construction corsetry and some incredible leather cage designs that I would so love to replicate if I even knew where to start!
I just love the shape of this coat and I marvelled at the gazillion green feathers that incidentally look as though they were hot-glued to the lining. Kind of puts the couture classification into question, don’t ya think? Or is that allowed?
And check out this ‘pinstripe’ dress, which on closer inspection transpires to have thousands of mother of pearl buttons sandwiched in between pleats and encrusting the cuffs!
I love a bit of contradiction. A spot of rule breaking. Rebellion even! A bit Like here where recycled camo is patchworked to a ball gown, complete with fishtail and adorned with dripping glass beads. Perfect.
And a clash of the tartans. Proper rule breaking. Love it!
But my favourite piece which has stuck in my head and clearly wont leave until I blatantly copy it, is the yellow tartan jacket with its wonderful sculpted lampshade silhouette. I was so desperate to touch but just knew I’d set of an alarm so I gently encouraged Roisin to stick her head up and see what was going on. She kindly obliged but alas the lining hid all!
We loved the pan-scourer/tin-can jewellery. And a further use for all your perfume packaging! There was even a shiny tea-strainer on the belt!
Of course there was the famous cone corset for Madonna’s Blond Ambition Tour of 1990 and also the amazing nude sequinned suit modelled so beautifully by Naomi Campbell but I still haven’t learned to turn off my data roaming and so my stupid i-phone ran out of juice at the crucial exhibits!!
The exhibition reflected his genius talent and humour at the same time without dropping an ounce of style. Though humour was evident by his starring role in 90’s Eurotrash. I loved that!
Two floors and 165 garments examined and discussed, we made way to the Gin Joint. Yes that’s right. A bar purely dedicated to gin. In the same building, with a great view and a menu of gins longer than both my arms! We had time to kill, you see. At least half an hour before the Gaultier Bar opened and where our cocktail voucher was valid. But there were no complaints. Just lots of ooos and arrs and a table full of pretty coloured gins! So enamoured by this place, that we came straight back for more after our cocktail, for truffle mac cheese… and another gin, bien sûr!
And it can’t go unmentioned that I now have taken ownership of the best loyalty card evs!!
Alas the last day for John Paul Gaultier at the London Barbican is today, 25th August so if you are London-based and not shaking your tail feathers at Notting Hill Carnival, I advise it as the best place to keep out of the rain today . I’m just so grateful for Roisin for giving us the heads up in time and organising such a wonderful day which has totally inspired me to get back on that sewing horse and do what I love most. Thank you lovely lady. Thank you Anne and thanks to all you gorgeous sewing bloggers who make me tick!!
Wow, it brings back loads of memories seeing photos of the exhibition – I saw it when I was in San Francisco, probably three years ago now. It’s a great exhibition. I love your fabric purchases!
That’s so cool. I’ll get to San Fran one day! Thanks Karen x
Sounds like you had a great time. Can’t wait to see your take on that jacket. Will you stick with yellow tartan?
I’ve been studying tartans ever since! I thought yellow. Then I thought blue, then red. Now I’m back to yellow… I think! 🙂
I find it most frustrating, for a brief while I could get Burda magazine at Sainsbury, or Tesco… but it has vanished again, like snow off a dyke… I do not want every episode, just se;ected ones… but nowhere seems to stock it just now.
Lovely exhibition.. lucky you to be able to go!
Odd, isn’t it. It’s not like they don’t have an audience. Considering subscribing but really I just want to pay the cover price!
Oh I loved that multiple tartans skirt too. I also liked the grey dress with the cigarette-holding garter which is never seen before.
So much structure in your yellow jacket. I bet there’s a serious amount of canvas in that.
I like that you call it ‘my’ yellow jacket! That’s exactly how I feel! x
HI, loving the shoe fabric! x Linda
Thanks Linda. Not sure what it’s for yet but happy just looking at it in the meantime!
What gorgeous clothes, it looks like a great exhibition. I love the feathered coat!
It’s great, isn’t it?! Bit itchy though, I would think!
I NEED some of that shoe fabric! How I sigh with longing at your Goldhawk Road…….
Hopefully the Gaultier exhibition will make it to Australia, I’ll be first in line to buy my tickets.
Alas I think there wasn’t much left on the roll but I will happily go back and check and get some to post for you if you like. 🙂
Oh I love Gaultier – I love his edginess and sculptural ways – I totally think that tartan jacket should be blatantly copied – it would look brilliant on you!! 🙂
Thanks Amanda. Oh to be part of that world! x
Bah humbug how did I miss this…..amazing stunning and sheer genius!
and to think some people think “gaultier” is just a perfume!!?
love your blog
bestest aisy j x
Bah humbug how did I miss this…..amazing stunning and sheer genius!
and to think some people think “gaultier” is just a perfume!!?
love your blog
bestest Daisy j x