And the winner of the mystery giveaway is . . . !

Before I deliver the news that you’ve all been so patiently waiting for, I must first thank you all so much for your wonderful comments. So many kind and inspirational words. Blushworthy to say the least. And big thank you’s also for the newbies who recently subscribed. A big lovely Oooboppie welcome to you all! πŸ™‚

Ok. Get on with it. I hear you say. Well I guess you should know what was in that mystery black box . . .
giveaway prizeHere it is, in all it’s mysteriousness! The contents of which include:

Burda Magazine, May 2014 issue
Handy service kit for sewing machines and overlockers
3m of novelty London print fabric
2m of polka dot turquoise fabric
3m of black lace
3 spools of Moon thread
3 different coloured pencil chalks

In order to get some fairness and squareness going on, I needed a trusty assistant. And I could think of noone better than Little Miss Ooobop herself. She just got a new haircut so is looking extra cute too!
A little shake of the entries . . .
shaking the entries

A little blindfolded stirring of the entries . . .

blindfolded and stirring the entries

A winner is picked . . .

A winner is picked

And the winner is . . .

and the winner is

Congratulations lovely Simona from Sewing adventures in the attick
The goodies are all yours!

close up winner
I’ll Email you shortly to retrieve a delivery address and will deliver it post-haste!

Ooobop’s first ever (mystery) GIVEAWAY!

ooobop mystery giveaway

Some of the more beady-eye’d among you will probably have noticed a few changes going on at ooobop Towers! I have been doing some housekeeping… shock, horror, gasp! (Anything to avoid doing the real stuff!) In my inimitable style, it wasn’t broke so I decided to fix it anyway. And in the same way that I’d decorate a room to match the cushion – I needed to rebrand my blog to match my woven garment labels!

WordPress has served me well over the last three years, from my early nervous ramblings to my latter day wafflings. And yes it has been a mighty three years. I can’t quite believe it myself. Especially since my sister-in-law, who knows me pretty well, said ‘You’ll never keep that up’! I’d like to think that she knew me well enough to know how positively I react to a red rag. Contrary? Me?!

But true to the control freak that I will never admit to being, I wanted more control. The designer in me was begging to be fed more layout options; more fonts; more gallery options, maybe even a shop (later on down the line)… and I wanted to be able to see exactly who my lovely followers were. When you only have WordPress stats to go by, you can only see your WordPress followers and not everyone uses the same platform.

And so I’ve gone self-hosted. I can’t say it was pain-free. Importing .xml’s, pretending I know what to do with a .php file and knowing that my DNS was pointing in the wrong direction… not really my bag!

But I got here in the end. Of a fashion. And just like moving a real home there are still some boxes to unpack. Whilst all your wonderful comments came across, the number of comments did not so it looks as though nobody has commented on anything!

And worst of all I have lost all my subscribers. Both WordPress and Email. Silly WordPress.

But in the style of Baldrick, I have a cunning plan!

This new blog refresh, along with a three year anniversary, teamed with my excitement at nearly 1,000 followers on Twitter @ooobop (I can’t quite get my head around that either!) and of course my love for you and all things sewing related…

I am hosting Ooobop’s first ever Giveaway!

“What is it? What is it?” I hear you all chant.

“Well…It’s a mystery!” I reply. (in the style of Toyah Wilcox)

In fact it’s such a mystery, even I don’t know what it is as yet! All I can say is that it will be a truly lovely parcel containing all lovely things, sewing-related.

This is a global giveaway. So it doesn’t matter where you are in the world. I will post.

So if you like surprises and would like to keep up with my sewing adventures plus be in with a chance of a chance of winning this mystery giveaway, all you have to do is subscribe to ooobop, at the top of the right hand side bar, just under the search tool. Or if you prefer, by Bloglovin’ by clicking on the Bloglovin’ lady underneath.Β Then let me know in a comment, below this post, which method you have chosen and you will be entered for the giveaway. If you are an existing Bloglovin’ follower, please still let me know with a comment below if you want to be entered as this will be my go-to list of entries.

The lucky winner will be ‘drawn from the hat’ on Wednesday 30th April 2014 and announced on Thursday 1st May 2014. Don’t forget to leave a link to your blog or an Email address so that you can be contacted with the good news and so that I can announce your prize-winning success!

Thank you my lovelies, for sticking with me. I always get emosh when I think how much more to blogging there is when you have a blog. So many wonderful friendships, such amazing support and not to mention the plethora of talent that perpetually floods my inbox!

I’m in for the long haul, kids!